Talking about healthy eating is very much in vogue and opinions differ on some points but converge on others, it seems to me. I […]
Month: May 2024
Crispy Quinoa and Hummus Burgers: a Perfect Year-end Recipe
The year is almost over and it’s time to take stock and eat delicious, simple recipes. This year was unforgettable for me: it was the […]
Introducing Our Nutritious Baby Cookies: A Year in the Making!
They’re finally out in the world! Our baby cookies! After a year of recipe testing and laboratory tests, they’re finally born! We’re so proud! The […]
The Easiest and Healthiest Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Pancakes
Gluten-free, sugar-free, with just one ingredient (not counting the water and oil, which are extras!), these are the easiest and healthiest pancakes I know! They […]
Impact of Medications on Weight Gain
Dr. Platt believes that antidepressants can increase estrogen levels. Estrogen is “lipophilic,” which means it promotes fat storage. He is talking about a class of […]
Balancing Your Mental Health While Supporting Your Children
What is Recovery Parenting? Incessant worry is what moms do no matter how hard we try not to; even after our kids get better—and long after […]