Change Your Focus, Change Your Life!

Change Your Focus Change Your Life!

I recently read a quote: “I am today because of what I believed about myself yesterday. And I will be tomorrow, what I believe about myself today.” Not only does that speak volumes to where our lives are now, but it also speaks volumes to where our lives are heading.

Improve your Thoughts

If you regularly think thoughts like, “I can’t catch a break, nothing ever works out for me, I have nothing to offer, who would want to go out with me, I’m so broke I can’t pay attention, life is unfair, people are always judging me.” There’s a good chance you’re unhappy, uninspired, lonely, and probably broke. Thoughts are things, and unfortunately, the wrong kind can polarize our lives and become self-fulfilling prophecies. Have you been around people who constantly complain and walk around with scowls, wondering why people aren’t nicer to them? Don’t they inspire you to go up and talk to them? Not hardly! Their thoughts and attitudes push people away.

Power of Positive Presence

Trials and tribulation, time and chance, and hard knocks happen to us all. It is once again our focus, and how we deal with situations that will determine how we come through the trials and tribulations; and the quality of the life we live.

As a child of God, you have an advocate who wants the best for you and can help you through anything. The caveat to that is, that God will not do for you what you can or should do for yourself. He will give you the strength and ability to get through it, but it is you who must have the faith and tenacity to push ahead and not give up.

Positive Influence and Friendship

On the other hand, have you been around people who always seem to have a smile on their faces? They attract good things and people like a magnet. After all, who doesn’t want to be around someone happy, pleasant, friendly, and engaging? The million-dollar question is. Are people the way they are because of the circumstances in their lives; or is it their beliefs and focus that tend to affect their circumstance? Food for thought! I believe it’s the latter. Deep in our hearts, we all want to be loved and accepted. It is however our thoughts and focus that will ultimately determine if we attract that love and acceptance into our lives, or push it away.

Another thing to keep in mind is birds of a feather flock together. If you’re hanging out with turkey it’s going to be next to impossible to fly with eagles. You need to surround yourself with upbeat people if you want to be an upbeat person. Keep in mind, that real friends want the best for you, not to see you miserable. If it’s unavoidable that you are around a negative person all the time, guard your mind from their thoughts and keep them lifted in prayer. God willing, you can bring them over to your side. Lastly, stop talking about your problems all the time, it only makes you focus on them all the more. Start changing your focus and you will surely begin to change your life!