Crispy Quinoa and Hummus Burgers: a Perfect Year-end Recipe

The year is almost over and it’s time to take stock and eat delicious, simple recipes. This year was unforgettable for me: it was the year I became a mother. Being a mother is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me, but also the most difficult. But all difficulties are overcome when you receive a toothless smile, isn’t that right, mothers out there?

The Growth of The Love Food: A Passionate Journey

It was the year that my other baby, The Love Food, began to take root and spread throughout the country. I am proud and very passionate about this growing and growing project. It is a pleasure to be able to make a living doing good. Next year I want to continue this dream and go even further.

Embracing Positive Change for True Health

What I learned this year is that we must get rid of what is bad for us. We can have a perfect, healthy, seasonal diet, etc., but if we keep what is bad for us, we will never be free and truly healthy. It is important to take the step, to exchange what is bad for us for other things (or people) that are good for us. For example, stop buying that packet of cookies full of sugar and weird ingredients and sign up for that new CrossFit gym; quit that boring job and start your dream business; end that relationship that drags on and only brings you sadness and starts a new life. These are clichés but they are true. Life changes us, we have to tame it.

Making the Most of Every Moment

Everything that happens, every second, only happens once and passes too quickly. We have to make the most of every moment. I know these are clichés, but we forget them quickly. Why do we let situations that make us unhappy drag on?

End the Year with Quinoa and Hummus Burgers

I’m counting down. Until then, end this year on a high note with these quinoa and hummus burgers, the simplest ones you can make. They’re super crispy on the outside, deliciously tender on the inside and so easy to make!

Be happy! Do it for that. Happy New Year!

Ingredients for the burgers

  • 1 and ½ cups of hummus
  • 1 cup of cooked quinoa

For the hummus

  • 2 cups cooked chickpeas
  • 1 tablespoon tahini
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • salt to taste, preferably sea salt
  • 1 drizzle of olive oil
  • sweet paprika, optional, a pinch

To cook the quinoa

  • ½ cup of quinoa
  • 1 cup of water

You can soak the quinoa for 4 to 8 hours if you prefer.

Wash the quinoa under running water.

Place in a pan with water and a pinch of salt and cook until tender and the water has evaporated. I like to turn off the heat when there is still a little water in the pan, then cover it and let it finish cooking for the last 5 minutes like this, calmly.

For the burgers

Mix the quinoa and hummus. Season again if necessary. At this stage you can add whatever you like: herbs, grated carrots, etc., but they are also delicious plain!

Make small balls and flatten them between your hands. Place the burgers in a frying pan with a drizzle of olive oil and let them brown on both sides. They are very good when they are well browned, the quinoa is very crispy.